A few more things off the to-do list in the past two days.
Last week I managed to get a new pair of trousers but they were too long in the leg, so I took them in to an alterations place in Chatswood yesterday to have the hems taken up.
We also managed to get Andres to choose a soft toy he can give to Nicol when we get to Colombia. He chose a Winnie the Pooh bear – he already has one himself that he is very fond of, so he figured she would like one too.
I was able to buy a new pair of sunglasses for myself and some for Andres – basically replacing the ones we’ve got which are a bit scratched, with the same models again.
We bought a new pair of shoes for Andres – basically a size up from what he has now, but it’s a new model that’s just come out and looks pretty good. Nice and rugged too – he’s pretty tough on shoes, especially when riding his Strider!
This morning we stopped off at Officeworks to pick up some stationery we would need for the trip (foolscap files for the legal documents, sticky labels for marking things and a few other bits and pieces).
We also went and bought a new car seat for Andres. The timing of this allocation is not too bad – he’s just big enough to fit into a booster seat now, so when we get back from Colombia, we’ll move him up to the booster seat and put Nicol in his forward facing car seat (she will be old enough to not need it rear-facing). The age different between them should also work well – by the time he is old enough to move out of the booster, she should be old enough to take over from him. I’m just glad we haven’t had to buy a second toddler car seat for a short period until he was old enough for a booster.
Finally, we picked up a baby monitor for the trip so we can go and sit outside or downstairs from our hotel room and keep an ear on the kids in the room. We did this with a borrowed analogue monitor last time – it worked, but the sound was very poor and range not fantastic. Hoping the new DECT monitors will do a better job (as they technically should!). I figure the device is low power enough that it shouldn’t cause any problems using it OS, despite the frequency ranges it uses being different to those approved for DECT devices in Colombia. Shh – don’t tell the telecommunications authorities! We don’t plan on using it much anyway – most of the time one or both of us will be in the room with the kids while they are asleep. Will probably get more use when we get home – useful for hanging up washing outside while the baby is asleep, etc.
Oh, and my New Balance shoes arrived by courier on Thursday morning – not bad after ordering them on Monday night!
So there’s not many things left on the list to buy before we go. There’s some banking to do and we have to apply for visas for Colombia still – but we won’t be able to do that application until we get our flights booked and we won’t be able to book our flights until we’re given a travel date.
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