I haven’t been posting much of late … number of reasons – which I won’t go into just yet.
I have just got back from a 10 day trip to China for work, and unfortunately I’ve now come down with the flu. Been growing feathers and clucking a lot too … but I’m pretty sure that’s unrelated :P
I’ve been trying to simplify my life a bit and scale back some of the extra work I’ve taken on in recent months – I really over committed, and found myself struggling to do anything well.
I’ve had to make some tough decisions, but I’m pretty comfortable with the direction things are headed now … so I’m hoping to be back to my normal posting self real soon now.
More details about what I’ve been up to, and my trip to China, shortly.

Beijing Olympics 2008… In my calendar for a visit to China. Should be some event :)
If you start laying eggs we’ve got a serious problem. Or crowing at the crack of dawn.