I know the comment [url=http://www.bytebot.net/blog]Colin Charles[/url] made about the [url=http://www.hampel.net.au/blog/archives/2004/04/24/the-book-exercise/]book exercise[/url] was tongue-in-cheek, but his hero’s idea is a great one.
(and with everyone getting some line from Page 23 out of a book, maybe we should try hero’s for the week next :P)
I’m going to start a new category for my blog called “Heros” and try and make a weekly entry for my hero of the week. The criteria will be someone who has made a difference to my life this week in some way. It might be someone at work, or a friend, or anyone else who has helped me with something, gone out of their way for me, or just generally made my life easier, better, happier, etc.
Maybe this will catch on.
Not quite as impressive as a world-wide chain-blog post like the book exercise, but at least this one means something !
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