Up early this morning to get to the police station and have our fingerprints taken. Again.
This will be the fourth time we’ve had to do this – twice for the first adoption, and now twice for the second one. At $350 a pop, it’s not a cheap exercise.
The office on duty was a little surly and questioned why we’ve had fingerprints taken so many times – I had to patiently explain to him that the documents are only considered valid for 12 months and the allocation process generally takes longer than this – so it is inevitable that we would need to have them done at least twice.
We managed to get the fingerprints done, forms completed, paid for, and sent off for processing without too much drama. It was easier too, given that Mr 3yo stayed at home with Nana and Grandad. This also gave us a chance to stop in at the mall and do a bit of shopping together – something we haven’t had a chance to do in quite a while. Time to start planning for a baby girl in our family!
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