A quiet day today hanging around the hotel. Andres woke up just before 4am demanding a feed, so our sleep was a bit disrupted. He’s been snuffling and coughing all night anyway with his cold (which he has had since before we got him on Monday). Most of the kids at the orphanage have been sick apparently. It’s just a cold and he’s still eating and sleeping well, so we’re not overly concerned.
Not a lot more to say really.
The internet has been really unreliable still which has been very frustrating. I’ve still got work I need to do while away – the joys of being self-employed.
At least I managed to get some audio processed for a client of mine, they ran a very important seminar on Thursday night and I let them borrow my portable audio recording unit to record it and left instructions on how to upload the files to the web server. I was then able to download the audio here, then slice it up into more manageable chunks, process it to remove noise and enhance the audio and upload it to their website. Worked well – although it was difficult to get it uploaded with the unreliable connection – but with a lot of patience I got it done.
I am getting further and further behind with some of my other work though, so I will have to start pestering the owner of the hotel to try and get the problems fixed up. The main problem is that this is a long weekend here in Colombia, so nothing much will get done until Tuesday at the earliest. Going to be a slow weekened I can tell!
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