Visited the travel doctor today to check on our immunisations and to give Andres some that he would need for the trip. Turns out that our Typhoid immunisations only last 3 years, so our pre-2008 trip immunisations are no longer valid. This meant an unexpected jab, but I’m okay with needles – I learned a … [Read More »]
Up early this morning to get to the police station and have our fingerprints taken. Again. This will be the fourth time we’ve had to do this – twice for the first adoption, and now twice for the second one. At $350 a pop, it’s not a cheap exercise. The office on duty was a … [Read More »]
Immigration and Family
I spent the morning in at the Dept of Immigration in the city, paying for the visa application that will be sent to Chile. It’s a little confusing as to where to go – but I finally worked out that first you line up at the counters near the main entrance, where you eventually get … [Read More »]
One of the challenges we face with our upcoming trip to Colombia was how to keep a lively 3.5 year old entertained on the long flights, and indeed, during the long wait while we are over there. It’s not a trivial matter to just “walk around to a nearby playground” in Colombia – although I … [Read More »]
We finally managed to communicate with the lady from our adoption support agency this afternoon. She informed us that despite the allocation happening so quickly, we would need to update all of our supporting documentation for our original application – something we were hoping to avoid doing. Most of the documents are only considered valid … [Read More »]