There are several approaches for increasing the range of your home’s WiFi network. Two basic options are: use a Wireless Access Point to add additional wireless coverage to your network use a Wireless Range Extender to increase the coverage of your WiFi They achieve largely the same result, but via two very different methods, and … [Read More »]
One of the challenges we face with our upcoming trip to Colombia was how to keep a lively 3.5 year old entertained on the long flights, and indeed, during the long wait while we are over there. It’s not a trivial matter to just “walk around to a nearby playground” in Colombia – although I … [Read More »]
How to delete a Windows volume mount point for an invalid drive
When I rebuilt my server earlier this year to run Windows 7 (rather than Windows Home Server), I decided to use Windows mount points to expand the storage rather than using separate drive letters or something like RAID to span disks. The structure I use is similar to this: C:\ – Backup – … [Read More »]
How to configure PEAR for Zend Server Community Edition on Windows 7
I decided to try running Zend Server CE (PHP v5.3) for my local development environment on my Windows 7 (64-bit) machine. After discovering that I needed to explicitly choose to install MySQL and phpMyAdmin (simply fixed by running the installer again and modifying the installation), I found that the PEAR libraries some of my existing … [Read More »]
How to convert scheduled tasks from Windows XP to Windows 7
When I decommissioned my Windows Home Server recently, I decided to replace it with Windows 7. However, I had over 20 scheduled tasks running on the WHS box to do things like back up my websites and backup files on the server and such. I wanted to recreate these scheduled tasks on the new Windows … [Read More »]