Headed out for a walk around Munro Park today – beautiful weather. Lots of water dragons and other lizards – and quite a lot of bird life around. Spring is a great time to be out looking for things to photograph.
Royal National Park
Leanne’s parents have been staying with us for the past week or so, and they are heading down the south coast to spend some time with their other daughter before driving back to Adelaide. On their way out of Sydney, we drove with them down to Royal National Park and spent the morning wandering around … [Read More »]
Munro Park / Tunks Park
I discovered that the park we walk through to Middle Harbour is actually called Munro Park, which leads out to Tunks Park where the playing fields are closer to the harbour. Anyway – with the nice spring weather, I decided to take my camera on the walk again and spend some time photographing birds and … [Read More »]
Parrots at Tunks
Went for a walk down to Tunks Park / Middle Harbour this afternoon. Decided to take the compact digital camera with just in case. Good thing I did too, as I was climbing back out of the valley, I passed a pair of King Parrots just near the side of the path munching away on … [Read More »]
NSW National Parks Pass
We bought a 2 year multi-park pass for all NSW National Parks (excluding Kosciuszko National Park). The pass cost $115 for 2 years, while most NPs around Sydney charge $7 vehicle entry. That means we have to make 17 visits over 2 years to make it worthwhile. The good thing about it is that we … [Read More »]