For the rugby fan – here’s a great site with some really useful books … especially relevant giving the upcoming world cup.
Ordinary Celebrity
One of the few good things about doing so much travel for business, and hanging out in the club lounges and such is that you get to see a lot of celebrities of all types waiting for their flights. The thing that always strikes me about these people is how incredibly normal they are. Television … [Read More »]
Days of Our Bill Lives
While listening to ABC radio in the car the other day, one of the presenters read out a poem someone had written about the TV show The Bill which I thought was very funny and quite accurate. The general gist of it was exploring how the once gripping television drama has more recently turned into … [Read More »]
Some people in a chatroom were having a debate about the various sizes of beer (both glass and bottle) and what they are called in various parts of Australia… someone mentioned the term “echo”, which does sound familiar from my Adelaide days. I was hoping some of my contacts from uni who are known to … [Read More »]
Faster than light
One of my colleagues from work posed this question to me today… “When travelling faster than the speed of light, is there any point in looking where you are going ?”