After a long, long wait of something like 50 hours (yes, we were counting!), we finally got to meet with our contracted adoption assessor (social worker) late this afternoon to go through the information from DoCS with the details of our daughter. Nicol is 6 months old and is completely gorgeous. Note the Spanish spelling … [Read More »]
We have a daughter!
We have a daughter! Before I go on, let me tell you about the events just before we found out … The staff at Intercountry Adoptions (FaCS / DoCS / whatever they are called this month), sent out a “touchy-feely” email last week to all families currently awaiting allocation. They were talking about the long … [Read More »]
Update from Australian Embassy in Chile
We received an email today from the Australian Embassy in Chile requesting various documents and medical reports to complete the visa application. This was mostly just for our information – everything is taken care of between the adoption support agency and the orphanage, including arranging for health checks for Andres. We asked whether this tells … [Read More »]
We have a cot
We made our first big purchase today – put a cot on layby. We would have just paid for it and taken it home, but we had already measured the box they come in and discovered that there is simply no way it would fit in our car (Daihatsu Charade hatchback). So we arranged for … [Read More »]
Documentation sent
As part of the adoption application process – we needed to get quite a few official documents together, including birth certificates, marriage certificate, medical reports, employment reports, police good behaviour certificates, plus copies of passports and such. These documents were only considered valid for 12 months, so as a final part of the application process … [Read More »]